Resources for Privacy Practices
We believe that privacy is part of Walgreens commitment to you. If you have a complaint about our privacy practices or would like to request information about how your personal information has been used, please contact us at one of the links below. Or, contact us at
Online or PDF Complaint Form
If you have a complaint about our Privacy Practices, please use the online complaint form or print out a complaint formopens in a new window (PDF) to mail to us, or contact the Privacy Office directly using the information below:
- 108 Wilmot Road, Mail Stop 3213
- Deerfield, Illinois 60015
- (847)236-6518
PDF Request Forms
You have the right to know how your information has been used.
Print out a Request for Accounting of Disclosures form to mail to us.opens in a new window
You may request to review the personal health information held about you in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
Print out a Request to Access Form.opens in a new window
You may request that your protected health information be sent to you via alternative means or to an alternative location.
Print out a Request for Alternate Means of Communication Form to mail to us.opens in a new window
If the health information held about you is incomplete or incorrect, you may request to amend/correct it here.
Print out a Request to Amend/Correct Protected Health Information.opens in a new window
You may request to restrict the use and disclosure of your protected health information.
Print out Restrictions on Personal Health Information Use and Disclosure.opens in a new window
You may wish to have a spouse, parent, adult child, or caregiver have access to your medical and health information on an on-going basis to assist with your care and maintaining your information.
You may designate a family member, relative, or friend to have access to your medical and health information on an on-going basis to assist with your care and maintaining your information.
Record Requests Requiring An Attestation (Final Rule)
Print out a Requirement Summary.opens in a new window
Print out a Walgreens Attestation Template.opens in a new window
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is Walgreens requiring an attestation for a prescription record request?
This requirement is in place due to a new requirement under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA") called the Final Rule. To ensure compliance, Walgreens requires a completed and signed attestation for each third-party record request.
- I never had to sign an attestation before. Why do I need to now?
All regulated entities, including Walgreens, must be compliant with the Final Rule requirements by December 23, 2024. Walgreens has implemented this new requirement and started requiring an attestation in December 2024.
- Other companies don't make me sign an attestation. Why does Walgreens?
Walgreens cannot speak for the actions of other companies. However, all regulated entities, including Walgreens, must be compliant with the Final Rule requirements by December 23, 2024. Walgreens started requiring an attestation in December of 2024.
- Where can I find out more information about the Final Rule?
Refer to the Department of Health and Human Services Final Rule Fact Sheet here: HIPAA Privacy Rule Final Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy: Fact Sheet |
Walgreens also has a Third Party Handout that further describes the Final Rule Requirement. - I have more questions. Who can I speak with at Walgreens?
You are welcome to contact Walgreens Customer Care at 1 (800) 925-4733.