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More information about Pepto-Bismol

For over 100 years, Pepto-Bismol has been offering products that provide relief for various digestive issues. It’s the No.1 brand recommended by pharmacists for upset stomach. You can find a range of Pepto-Bismol products in different forms, including caplets, chewable tablets and liquid. These products are available in store and online at Walgreens.

What does Pepto-Bismol do?

Pepto-Bismol coats the stomach and provides fast relief from five common digestive symptoms: diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach and nausea.

When should you take Pepto-Bismol?

If you’re sick, consult with your healthcare provider and ask if Pepto-Bismol is the right choice for you. Pepto-Bismol is designed to be taken as soon as you start experiencing digestive issues due to overindulging, such as diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach and heartburn.

How long does it take for Pepto to kick in?

Pepto-Bismol is formulated to relieve symptoms quickly. However, everyone is different, and results may vary depending on the individual.

Is Pepto-Bismol good for a stomach bug?

Some Pepto-Bismol products for diarrhea are formulated to kill the bacteria responsible for diarrhea. However, these products may not be effective for some types of illnesses. If you have a stomach bug, ask your healthcare provider if Pepto-Bismol products are appropriate for you.

Should you drink water after Pepto?

Read the directions on the packaging to determine if a particular Pepto-Bismol product needs to be taken with water. You will need to take Pepto-Bismol caplets with water. However, the chewable tablets and liquid can be taken without water.

It’s always best to drink plenty of fluids to reduce the risk of dehydration from diarrhea.