Real Estate Inquiries
Walgreen Drug Store Location Information
As the nation's leading pharmacy retailer, Walgreens is experiencing of one of the most dramatic growth rates in the industry.
A new Walgreen Drug Store location with the highest probability for approval by the Real Estate Committee will have the following characteristics:
Freestanding location at signalized intersection of two main streets with significant traffic counts.
Direct access to service the site.
60,000 square feet ± of land to accommodate parking for 50+ cars and a pharmacy drive thru.
Building criteria:
114' x 130' = 14,820 square feet.
Trade area population of 20,000.
LED Readerboard pylon sign.
Walgreens will also consider Walgreen anchored strip centers, central business districts and outlots of shopping centers.
Please contact us for more information.
Walgreen Surplus Property Information
View contact information and the list of surplus properties.