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Vitamin D

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Vitamin D Vitamins & Supplements at Walgreens

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that works closely with calcium to keep bones and bodies strong. Vitamin D can be obtained through both food and dietary supplements, and it’s naturally produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Dietary supplements are a great option for anyone who struggles to get enough vitamin D through food and sun exposure. Walgreens offers vitamin D supplements in a variety of forms, including softgels, tablets, chewable gummies and wafers as well as liquids, all available for purchase online and in stores.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary for many bodily functions. While it’s not found in many foods, it’s present in fatty fish, eggs, dairy, and fortified foods. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays allows vitamin D to be produced in the skin, but proper sun protection can make it difficult to obtain enough vitamin D through this method. Because of this, supplements may be the right option for people struggling to get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D supplements are available in two forms: vitamin D2 (also called ergocalciferol or pre-vitamin D) and vitamin D3 (also called cholecalciferol). Both forms are available for purchase at Walgreens.

What are the benefits of vitamin D?

Vitamin D provides powerful health benefits. It helps the body absorb calcium, which is critical for building strong bones and teeth. Without enough vitamin D, bones can become weak and brittle. This vitamin also plays an important role in immune health and proper nerve and muscle function. Research is still ongoing into the other potential health benefits of vitamin D.

How can I increase my vitamin D?

There are a few options when it comes to increasing vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is found in some foods, primarily in fatty fish such as salmon and trout and in fish liver oils. It can also be produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, but too much sun exposure can be dangerous for the skin. It’s important to practice proper sun protection at all times. Some people, such as older adults or people with darker skin tones, may have more trouble making vitamin D naturally after exposure to the sun.

Getting enough vitamin D can be difficult, but supplements can help those who struggle to reach the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 15 micrograms (mcg) or 600 international units (IU) for most adults. Vitamin D supplements are available in a variety of doses and forms, including softgels, gummies, and tablets.

Can I buy vitamin D over the counter at Walgreens?

Yes, vitamin D can be purchased in stores and online at Walgreens. Depending on each customer’s needs, vitamin D can be consumed as a multivitamin or standalone supplement. Your healthcare provider can help you choose the dosage and supplement option right for you.

Can I buy calcium and vitamin D together?

Some supplements combine calcium and vitamin D together in one dose, which can be beneficial because these two nutrients work together in the body. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and helps maintain adequate calcium levels throughout the body. Most of these combination supplements contain calcium and vitamin D3 and can be purchased at Walgreens over the counter.

How many milligrams of vitamin D should I take in one day?

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 15 micrograms (mcg) or 600 international units (IU) for most adults under 70. Vitamin D supplements often contain much more than the RDA, with some products ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 IUs per dose. The National Institutes of Health recommends that people limit their daily vitamin D intake to no more than 4,000 IUs from food and supplements combined. Speak with your healthcare provider to determine the supplemental dose that is right for you.

What form does vitamin D come in?

Vitamin D is available in many forms, including tablets, chewables, gummies, and softgels. Walgreens offers a variety of vitamin D supplements so that each customer can find the best option for them. Vitamin D3 is the most common supplement, but D3 supplements are often derived from animal products. Vitamin D2 supplements are sourced from plants and yeast.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency may arise from lack of vitamin D in the diet, lack of sun exposure, or from poor absorption and conversion of vitamin D in the body. Most people with mild to moderate vitamin D deficiency will not experience any symptoms. Symptoms of severe vitamin D deficiency include bone pain and tenderness, muscle weakness, fractures, and difficulty walking. Children with severe vitamin D deficiency may develop rickets, where the bones become soft, weak, deformed, and painful. Teenagers and adults may develop osteomalacia, which causes bone pain and muscle weakness. Low vitamin D levels may also lead to osteoporosis in older women and men, where the bones become brittle and porous.

Who should take vitamin D?

Some people may be at an increased risk of low or inadequate vitamin D levels. Older adults and people with darker skin may have trouble naturally producing enough vitamin D from sun exposure. People with health conditions such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease or ulcerative colitis may have difficulty absorbing vitamin D. Individuals who have had gastric bypass surgery or who are obese may also require more vitamin D than others. Supplemental vitamin D may be a great option for these individuals as well as for anyone who is concerned about their daily vitamin D intake. People who do not consume dairy or animal products may also benefit from vitamin D supplementation. Your healthcare provider can help you determine if supplemental vitamin D is right for you.

When is the best time to take vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means the body needs fat to absorb it. Because of this, taking vitamin D supplements with foods that contain fat can assist with proper absorption. Many supplements also contain small amounts of oil to help with this. Vitamin D can be taken at any time of day.

Does vitamin D help you sleep?

There is limited evidence to suggest that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to sleep disorders, which means vitamin D may be connected to sleep. This research is ongoing and more evidence is needed to know exactly how vitamin D may help with sleep. However, vitamin D is a vital nutrient for good health and it’s important to get enough vitamin D to keep the body functioning properly.

How does vitamin D affect bones?

Vitamin D has an important job when it comes to bones. It works by helping your body absorb calcium and maintain calcium levels, which contributes to keeping bones and teeth strong and vital. Without enough vitamin D, bones can become weak and brittle. This may be especially true for older adults. Consuming vitamin D through foods, sunlight, and supplements can help keep bones and bodies healthy. Making sure you have enough vitamin D through diet, sun exposure and supplementation can help keep your bones and body healthy.

How much vitamin D should women take?

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is the same for men and women, including those who are pregnant or lactating. The RDA is 15 micrograms (mcg) or 600 international units (IU) for most people age 1 to 70 years old. For those older than 70, the ability to absorb vitamin D can become more difficult, and the RDA is 20 mcg or 800 IUs. Some patient populations may require more vitamin D, and your healthcare provider can help answer any questions you have about vitamin D supplementation.