Improving care for patients living with gastrointestinal conditions

Working with your care team, Walgreens specialty pharmacists can help patients manage the symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) conditions such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and hepatitis. If your patients experience flare-ups, they can rely on our pharmacy teams for fast, convenient access to specialty medications. Our pharmacists are specially trained to understand the complexities of treating GI conditions and can support your efforts to manage symptoms, potential medication side effects and comorbidities.

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pictogram of pharmacist

Pharmacist expertise

GI conditions can have a profound effect on your patients' daily lives and long-term health. Walgreens specialty pharmacy teams are trained in GI conditions and digestive health to provide personalized care to help your patients manage their symptoms.

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Speed to therapy

Patients rely on timely access to their medications. Our nationwide specialty pharmacy network provides fast, convenient access to specialty medications, including more than 200 limited distribution drugs (LDDs), within two days—often sooner. 

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Focus on outcomes

Better health outcomes require patient adherence to their prescribed therapy. Walgreens specialty pharmacy teams offer expert guidance and personal support to keep your patients on track, and Walgreens digital adherence tools and services make it easier for patients to manage scheduled treatment regimens. 

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Holistic patient view

Walgreens specialty pharmacies support your patients and your care team throughout the patient journey. With our holistic patient view, we can help patients manage their conditions, potential medication side effects and comorbidities. 

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Financial assistance coordination

Walgreens specialty pharmacy helps eligible patients who are struggling to afford critical medications by connecting them to advocacy groups, local community organizations, drug manufacturers and other sources of financial assistance. 

Get to know Walgreens gastroenterology-specialized pharmacies


Collaboratoring to deliver better care

Collaboration is essential for breaking down barriers to care. Walgreens is working with organizations such as the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation and the Global Healthy Living Foundation to give patients greater access to specialty pharmacy services and treatment. 

Global Healthy Living Foundation logo
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation logo