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We’ll help you search a database of clinical research trials offered through public and private organizations. Individuals who meet eligibility criteria may be invited to participate in a trial that will test the safety and effectiveness of products, drugs and procedures for many conditions, including COVID-19.
How it works:
- Answer a few questions about yourself and your health
- Get a custom list of clinical trials best suited for your health
- To apply to join a clinical trial, call or email the individual(s) listed under "Contact"
- Or, click the trial name to learn more about it
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- What is COVID-19?
The newly identified coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. First identified in China in December 2019, COVID-19 has infected millions of people worldwide. While this coronavirus is new, it is not the only coronavirus. Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s, commonly infect people and are associated with the common cold. Learn more about COVID-19.Opens in new tab
- What is a clinical trial?
A clinical trial is a voluntary research study conducted in people and designed to answer specific questions about the safety or effectiveness of drugs, vaccines, other therapies or existing treatments. Participants are recruited based on specific factors, like diagnosis and age. There are two main types of clinical trials: interventional and observational. In an interventional study, participants receive a specific drug, device, or procedure, or may be asked to change habits like diet or exercise. This may help determine if the new intervention helps, harms, or is of no additional value. In an observational study, participants are observed without an intervention or change of habit.
- Why should I participate in a clinical trial?
Clinical trials must be conducted to advance healthcare and bring new drugs and devices to market. People participate in clinical trials for various reasons, which may include access to new treatments; additional medical support for an existing health condition; and the desire to help others and contribute to medical research.
- Can I still see my regular healthcare provider if I participate?
Yes, you can still see your regular healthcare provider and are encouraged to do so prior to participating in the study. Although a clinical study may provide participants with medical products or interventions, it will not provide complete healthcare. Talk to your healthcare provider before enrolling in a clinical trial to make sure the study interventions will not conflict with your current medications or treatments.
- Where does Walgreens get information about clinical trials?
The information contained on this website comes from, which is a daily-updated free service of the National Institutes of Health and maintained by the National Library of Medicine.
- Will I get compensated for participating in a clinical trial?
Clinical trial compensation varies. If a trial offers compensation, participants may receive money, reimbursement of travel expenses, food or vouchers, or other services. Contact the trial coordinator, referral coordinator, or the protocol assistant to learn more about the compensation for the trial.
If you believe you have a medical emergency, please call 911
The information on this webpage comes from, a resource provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. is a registry of clinical research studies sponsored or funded by a broad range of public and private organizations around the world. Not all studies listed are regulated and/or reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other governmental entities. is updated daily.
This website accesses a list of clinical trials curated for Walgreens and not the complete registry. The safety and validity of these studies is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Know the risks and potential benefits of clinical studies and talk to your healthcare provider before participating. For more information about participating in clinical trials, including questions to ask before you decide to participate in a study,
All content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute, or be a substitute for, medical advice or to diagnose or treat a medical condition. Walgreens does not recommend or endorse any specific studies, tests, products, procedures, or other information that may be referenced herein and disclaims all liability for the clinical trials and related products and services offered through Reliance on any information provided herein is solely at your own risk.
The clinical trial chat bot accessed from this page is not intended to collect sensitive information, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII). You may use the chat bot without disclosing PII. In your use of the chat bot, we may collect any information you voluntarily share with us. The clinical trial chat bot is not a pharmacy offering or a healthcare service. Walgreens is connecting you to clinical trials that may be of interest to you based on the information that you provide. Your responses will not be reviewed by a pharmacist and will not be part of your health record. Consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment of your medical conditions. Information on this site is not intended to replace a conversation with your healthcare provider or Walgreens pharmacist. Your use of this service is governed by the terms of the Walgreens Online Privacy and Security Policy and the Terms of Use.
1 The DETECT Study is an observational study. This study does not provide treatment. It is a voluntary study for adults who are 18 years of age or older. You do not have to take part. It is sponsored by The Scripps Research Institute (Scripps). Scripps Research is an independent, nonprofit biomedical institute ranked the most influential in the world for its impact on innovation. With campuses in La Jolla, California, and Jupiter, Florida, we are advancing human health through profound discoveries that address pressing medical concerns around the globe.